Cemeteries Information System

Provides access to biographical, death, and burial information, memorials, photos, and document images associated with persons interred in the historic burial grounds (and ability to view certain Mount Zion United Methodist Church historical member information - such as "Minister" roles).
The CIS also provides Foundation Researchers with tools to review decedent biographical information, photos, and document images submitted by the general public, descendants, educators, and other researchers.
Information Resources

These resources provide information, photos, documents, and external references related to the history of the cemeteries, the lives of the persons for whom this sanctuary is their final resting place, and the historic Georgetown community. If you have questions or feedback about these tools, or if you would like to help us maintain this resource, please contact us using this email.
Index of Resources ('click' on entries to navigate to detailed information)
Methodist episcopal, Mount Zion, and Female Union Band Society Cemeteries History
Female Union Band Society of Georgetown, D.C., Constitution (Washington, D.C., 1859)
Female Union Band Society Cemetery land purchase Record of Conveyance March 25, 1843
1879 Dumbarton & Mount Zion Churches Burial Ground Lease Agreement
Burial Record sources
The Methodist Burying Ground, Burial Records and Map - 1975, Paul E. Sluby
The Methodist Burying Ground, Burial Records - 1975 Paul E. Sluby with further research annotations
Cemetery Surveys
2008 NPS GIS Overlay of 1975 Gravestones Location for Return Survey
2018 Headstones, Monuments, Artifacts Inventory
Property maps
Trees and Foliage Survey Plat and Index
2024 Topographical Survey of Mt Zion and Female Union Band Society Cemeteries
"I never would have guessed..."
Other Valuable Records and Information
Index of 1862 DC Emancipation Compensation Petition Claim Numbers by Enslaver
1862 DC Emancipation Compensation Petitions Enslaved Persons Details
Historical Articles referencing the Cemeteries
"On Babies Graves" - 1890 newspaper article describing gravesites, markers, and momentos
"Mount Zion Cemetery Burial Customs" - Savannah Morning News, August 9 1894
Place Holder - Resources To Be Developed
Photographs and Videos
Cemetery photos
Monuments, headstones and artifacts photos
Cemetery Events Photos
Cemetery events videos
Cemetery Preservation
Monuments, headstones, artifacts
Invasive plant species
Tree canopy
Groundwater management